Legal Marketing and Business Development Salary Guide New York

Legal Marketing, BD & Communications Salary Guide - New York

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Welcome to Ambition’s Legal BD, Marketing & Communications salary guide, specifically for New York Law firms.

The salary data in this guide is drawn from the salaries of roles we have actively recruited for this year as well as from market data. You will notice that the salary bandings are relatively broad, reflecting the differences in firm sizes and their respective pay scales.

For more tailored advice, whether for yourself or your team, please contact us directly.

Market update

We have seen a strong demand for Legal BD & Marketing talent this year, with roles consistently hitting the market. Salaries at management level have stabilized at a fairly consistent rate.

The non-management sphere has seen more volatility, perhaps unsurprisingly, as this is a higher volume area of the market. Additionally, there’s a noticeable shortage of talent with 3-4 years of experience due to the hiring freeze during the pandemic. Consequently, many firms have had to broaden their criteria to fill vacancies.

At executive levels beyond senior management, salaries can vary significantly. Due to the rarity of these roles in the job market, one key factor influencing the salary range is the extent of people management responsibilities. Consequently, not all titles are equivalent in terms of compensation.

The team at Ambition are always happy to answer any questions you may have about the market so please don’t hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.

Legal BD, Marketing & Communications Salary Guide H2 2024

​Legal Business Development & Marketing Salaries in New York

Job title

Salary per annum (Low)

Salary per annum (High)

Business Development Director / Marketing Director



Associate Business Development Director / Associate Marketing Director



Senior Business Development Manager / Senior Marketing Manager



Business Development Manager / Marketing Manager



Business Development Specialist / Marketing Specialist



Business Development Senior Coordinator /Marketing Senior Coordinator



Business Development Coordinator / Marketing Coordinator



Legal Communications Salaries in New York

Job title

Salary per annum (Low)

Salary per annum (High)

Communications Director



​Senior Communications Manager



Communications Manager



Communications Specialist



Communications Coordinator



Legal Events Salaries in New York

​Job title

​Salary per annum (Low)

​Salary per annum (High)

Senior Events Manager



Events Manager



Events Specialist



Events Coordinator




Legal Bids/Pitches Salaries in New York

Job title

Salary per annum (Low)

​Salary per annum (High)

Senior Bid Manager



Bid Manager



Bid Specialist



Bid Coordinator



Notes on salary table:
  • The above salaries are based on remuneration in global law firms. Titles and levels vary from firm to firm.

  • ​The salary ranges given are only approximate guides. For tailored salary advice, please contact us directly.

  • ​12-month base salaries are assumed.

  • ​All other benefits and bonuses are in addition to these figures.

  • ​Bonus ranges can vary significantly from firm to firm and will be influenced by market conditions, business and individual performances.

  • For more tailored salary advice, please contact or call Ben on 212 540 9207.